From the Desk of Alderwoman Ricki Garrett, April 5th BOA meeting

| April 10, 2022 |

Board meetings are held on the first and third Tuesdays of every month at 7 P.M. in the Municipal Courtroom.

Ricki Garrett, Alderwoman at Large

Special to the Clinton Courier

The Board of Aldermen’s three-hour meeting Tuesday night followed a three-and-a-half-hour work session Monday, so it has been a busy week.  Some controversial and very important issues were discussed and voted on, and I will try to cover them all.

Some of you are aware that there has been some displeasure among a few people in the community regarding the Board’s decision earlier not to conduct live streaming of the work sessions.  All of the Board’s meetings, including budget meetings and work sessions, are open to the public.  The official board meetings are also live-streamed for those who want to watch, and the newspaper provides my column in both print and digital form.  Other Board Members provide updates to their constituents.  For that reason, and, due to the cost of filming and storing the recordings, the Board voted once again not to live stream the work sessions. The vote was four to three, with Aldermen Lott, Oliver, Martin, and Garrett voting no and Aldermen Godfrey, Barnett, and Wilbanks voting yes.  

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