CPD Community Policing / Outreach The Clinton Police Department strives to connect daily with our public. We encourage transparency and believe that providing the information is the key to building trust within our community. CPD exists to serve ALL citizens in our city. Lieutenant Michael Kelly coordinates directly with Chief Hayman to ensure that our community/police partnership is continually being strengthened. Lt. Kelly coordinates with event leaders to ensure that city events run efficiently and head-lines CPD’s Citizen Police Academy. Due to Covid-19, CPD was unable to conduct the Citizens Police Academy in 2020. We hope to continue this program in 2021. He is available for presentations to neighborhood associations and civic groups interested in crime prevention strategies. Lieutenant Kelly can be reached at kelly292@clintonpd.org
➢ Citizens Police Academy
➢ Coffee with a Cop
➢ Lock It or Lose It
➢ Special Event Coordination
➢ Partnership with Dan Fordice / Camp Down Range {CPD Firing Range}
➢ National Night Out with City of Clinton Communications Director Mark Jones
➢ Neighborhood Events and Meetings
➢ Event Coordinator with Main Street for Special Events