Protecting Your ATM Card Always protect your ATM card and keep it in a safe place, just like you would cash, credit cards or checks. Do not leave your ATM…
Erica Young Updated: Jan. 23, 2022 IAKOV FILIMONOV/SHUTTERSTOCK Have a disaster-free holiday by practicing these simple (but essential!) Christmas safety tips. The stockings are hung by the chimney with care…and… Neighborhood safety is important. Here are 3 ways to help you stay aware 8 Simple Ways to Make Your Neighborhood Safer By Kristina Smith Editor November 08, 2021 Long gone…
Clinton, Miss. (January 10, 2022) - The City of Clinton is proud to announce the decline in felony property and robbery crimes for the year 2021. After looking at the 2021… 8 Simple Ways to Make Your Neighborhood Safer By Kristina Smith Long gone are the days where all the neighborhood kids played kick-the-can in the middle of the street each…
CPD Community Policing / Outreach The Clinton Police Department strives to connect daily with our public. We encourage transparency and believe that providing the information is the key to building…
Holiday safety is an issue that burns brightest from late November to mid-January, when families gather, parties are scheduled, and travel spikes. While the holidays might look a little different…